Monday, June 29, 2009


The harder you try, the bigger the potential you have for heart break

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It's more likely that insecurity is caused by toxic relationships than anything else, honestly.


Mean everything you say. But don't necessarily say everything you mean.


Think harder. That's all I have to say.

Father's Day

I've been in the honour of a few men near death lately and this blows me away.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Why do some relationships have to end so horribly?

Soul Mate

Person who can be matched to your normal and abnormal psychology up to the point of statistical abberation. Can teach you how to live, or destroy you completely.


Life is just one big incdence of zero-sum timing

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sense of Humour

Correlates with intelligence. And is much more funny, honestly.


Hate is a grand form of escape.


There's a difference between facing your fears, and running away.


He who can remain charming wins this game.


It ain't easy, and it is your responsibility.


There ain't nothing wrong with sex on a first date. As long as you're sure that you want to share this person's baby.


There will always be anxiety. So choose what you are doing with your time and your legacy carefully.


I rreally think that our bodies are naturally created this way, and that it's your responsibility to find release.


It will never work if there's too much anxiety. And listen to what people say... especially in the beginning!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Drinking and Dating

" okay i'll be you , and you be me "

The Internet

Allows us to communicate in a certain way.


Make me feel strangely naseous and pukey. I've been craving bananas all evening.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Emotional Stability

Some of us are still learning how to cope, whereas others will probably be an intense basket case for the rest of their days.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You Know

Everybody knows everything. Or as much as we need to at least. What happened to human faith? Seriously.


Look, everybody has one. Seriously. Finding yours could be very easy.


You really can feel every distinct emotion in various parts of you physically. Listen to your body.


People don't always take the art of talking seriously. Some people choose their words so sloppily.


So what does being "mostly" utilitarian mean anyways?

The Queen

A princess is someone who wants everything done for her. The Queen knows how to take responsibility.


So what do you hold dear anyways?


Are a serious part (for both men and women) of our sexual identity.

Givin' Up

"is so hard to do.....when you really want someone!"


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get over it already.


Let it happen naturally.

Are you me?

You know that if you're reading this you're looking for a piece of yourself in me. Isn't that what good writing is anyways?


No, seriously - give it up already. Unless you get off on being controlling.

Friday, May 8, 2009


The only difference between any of us lies in how eloquent/articulate we can present ourselves as being.

Sushi and Sex

Is there a connection? Question of the day.

Second Life

They say that Adam and Eve weren't self-conscious. I find that impossible to believe!


How can clarity come from anywhere but a peaceful place? Oh the mistakes we make. Why not sit pretty and wait for the definition to come. You will be okay.


I wonder if it's just a random excuse to screw everybody. I mean really he who said the rhyme did the crime - this requires no more thought than farting.

Developmental Psych

We're all just where we need to be. Any identity theory is non-linear anyways so why confuse yourself by thinking there's a certain place we're supposed to be.


Shouldn't drive you crazy. No seriously. It's like rain on your wedding day or a free ride when you're already late!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In Defense of "Generation Me"

Two things all our parents said:

a) Be better
b) Grow up more quickly

IQ Testing

Sometimes the highest IQ's have the lowest emotional capacities.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


For some, the definition seems to be one of a wide variety of rapings. Everybody has a price you can't trust anybody people are essentially just commodities.


Don't take it from other people's pain.




There's nothing in the world like feeling free. Change something today. 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Interpersonal Reality

Try to balance your kindness and honesty to the point of integrity. Realize that the only truth between two people is the space in between. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009


If you don't dream, you've got nothing to create. Visualizations are your subjective reality.